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Year 9 Options Process

Option courses begin in September 2025. This is an important and exciting time for students as it is one of the first steps on the pathway to GCSE/Vocational qualifications. This page contains all the information you should need to support your child in making their options choices.

Once your subject choices have been decided the Option Preference Form should be completed online no later than Friday 7 March 2025. The form can be accessed via the link below (a password for the link will be sent with the pathways early February):

The Options process is a thorough process throughout Year 9 for students and their parents/ carers to ensure that students carefully consider their choices.  The process includes: 

  • A series of assemblies linked to each subject.
  • Work in PSHE lessons linked to careers and options choices including the use of ‘Uni Frog (a software program that can link skills and interests to jobs). 
  • Form Tutor discussions. 
  • An annual Careers Fair with over 20 employers, further education establishments, training providers and universities. There is an opportunity for parents/carers to attend this fair. 
  • An Options Evening, which enables students and parents/carers to discuss the content and suitability of the course with subject staff. 
  • Parents’ Evening, to further discuss suitability of courses. 
  • Taster sessions in each curriculum areas. 
  • Final options choice, supported with a 1:1 meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team for each student, followed up with a conversation with Parents/Carers.
  • Continuous support and guidance from staff throughout Year 9 to support students. 

If you require further information, then please contact